Wednesday, March 12, 2014

the Winter Days, they go on, and on, and on...

Claire enjoys reading to the kids, when they will sit still.  Warm and cozy in the living room.
Mara is such an angel.  Oh my...
We found a new kids' cookbook.  Our first recipe was Cinderella Cake.  After we put it in the oven, the kids went to bed for naps.  When they woke up, they found a round pink cake.  They didn't understand why it didn't look like Cinderella.  I said I thought maybe the pink was the Cinderella part.  Claire informed me that Cinderella wears blue.  Oh my...   (note the pink cheeks from playing outside!!) (and sneaky Mav doesn't think I see him sneaking a finger full of frosting!)

Mara thought she was hot stuff wearing Claire's boots all around the house!
Mav just plain wore out this morning and fell asleep on the couch.  I covered him up with Max's dolly blanket and he snuggled right in. 
Thought it would be fun to capture what my frig looks like on any given day.  Too much, I know.

One of the last days with snow before the warmup and the kids were determined to shovel off our deck - all 4 feet of snow! 

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