Monday, February 16, 2015

What's Your Word?

I enjoy magazines!  I read a lot of them, some of my own and some my mother-in-law shares with me (she loves them too).  They have so many great articles, stories, ideas and more.  The one that spoke to me today is challenging you to sum yourself up in a word.  Here are some of their suggestions:

New, fiery, measured, evolving, happy, sweet, catalyst, learning, dynamic, possible, optimistic, passion, mover, eccentric, gratitude, wry, gregarious, vibrant, passionate, progressive, inquisitive, enthused, genuine, insatiable, conscious, bright, curious, brave, grace, seeker, envision, intuitive, dedicated, blithe, harmony, sprightly, hopeful, mover, appreciative, chance, aware, steadfast, whimsical, strong, perceptive, dynamic, curious.

I asked Jeff to choose a word for me.  He chose solid.  I think I am very hurt.  I'm going to have to take some time to choose a word for myself.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Daycare Fun in February

Claire had a vacation day from school and got to spend it with Papa, Omi, Max & Mara at the farm.  This was a rousing rendition of Ring Around the Rosy.
Here we go, hold hands and ...
This is so funny.
Love this action shot.  You can see they are whipping up some speed.  Nobody cries, but usually somebody crashes to the floor.
Mara loves Legos and brought hers to the farm to share with Max.  Papa is helping them build farms, pastures and houses.
Some of the stuff Mara comes up with on her own (at 2 1/2) boggles my mind.  Here she is using a tweezers from their toy doctor kit to cut her toenails "like Omi does".  I have been clipping all the kids' toenails and fingernails since the day they were born.  I am good at it and I have no fear (like their parents do).  It's kind of our thing.  We say "this little piggy" every time and they all chime in.
Here she told me she was texting her Mama on her iPad.  This is a little calculator built into a notebook and she claimed it as her iPad.  When I asked her what she was texting to her Mama, she told me it was just pretend!!
Pretty girl in a sweater dress and leggings with polka dot shoes.  She likes to stack up all the flowers on her Lego farm.

On a side note, sometimes when I go back and look at the photos I take with a fresh eye, I realize what a blazing mess my house becomes throughout the day.  Good grief!

Winter in Minnesota means SNOW

Max and Mara love to shovel.  It is easy for them to shovel the snow off my deck at the farm because it is right outside the patio door, it is usually sunny and protected from the wind there, and they can scoop the snow and heave it right over the edge or down the stairs.  This day was so bright that they put on their shades - to look cool or to block the sun - who really knows?
Max is at the farm only one day a week while Mama is home with baby Wesley, so most days Mara is on her own.  She loves playing with Max and misses him (and Claire) when they aren't there, but she is still willing to go outside and shovel alone.  No pile is too big for her.
Here we go.
And plop.
Forget the shoveling - let's throw snow!  Wheeeeee!
Claire taught her to eat snow.  Try to make sure she gets the fresh stuff.  See, winter is fun!

Little Baby Wesley

We were excited to get back to Minnesota to see our little Wesley.  He is so tiny, really!
Papa got in some snuggle time.
You can see what a tiny little bundle he is.  He's much more alert now so get to see his dark eyes.
His first blowout was for Omi and there was no option but a quick bath.  He is not a fan, but daddy's strong hands took care of him jiffy quick and he was all clean and happy again (and warm - he loves to  be warm!).
His big sister LOVES him so.  They are really having a good look at each other here.  It is hard for Claire to have to leave him every morning to go to school.  She is going to be such a big helper and such a wonderful and loving big sister!

Love from Virginia

Brody and his baby brother.
Mav is sneaking a kiss.
Oops, caught you!!  Brody & Maverick love their little brother, Jefferson!
Papa and Maverick are sharing the love and snuggles too.  We had lots of pizza/movie nights!
Couldn't choose one photo, so I used them all!  His shirt says Grandma's Little Guy.  Says it all!
We were having quite the conversation.
...and then, Omi...
Oh hi, Mama, wanna take a pic of Omi and me?
Thank you!
Yep, I had lots of fun dressing him every day!
Mama Bethanie sent me this pic after we headed back to Minnesota.  Peace and joy!

Brody turns 5!!

Here's the birthday boy in his new Ninja jammies by his stash of gifts!  What a lucky boy!
Brotherly Ninja love!
The Park Boys!
Let's get this party started!  Brody's party was such fun, even if the family couldn't be here to celebrate with him (just Omi & Papa).  Kelly was there, as well as friends Ashley and baby Grant to add a bit of festive air to the event.  We had all Ninja food and drinks and desserts!
Here are the Ninja brothers!  Happy 5th, Brody!

Here's Our Little Jefferson, 1 month old

Putting on some weight, at least in his cheekers!
We had a very simple trip to Virginia this time.  No travel or outings, just baby time and kid time.  (I won't call it quiet, though, it was not quiet!)
Love baby clothes!  Snuggly little sleep bag with dinos on the hands and tummy!

Had to have a shot of him on the awesome giraffe!  He's a little Ninja, the boys loved that!
Again with the cute baby clothes and matching hats!!  He's getting very alert!

The Commiss

We headed to Virginia to see the new baby Jefferson the end of February.  However, Papa Jeff had to attend his weekly County Commissioner meeting first.  I had to snap an official photo of them in action.  Pretty powerful group!!