Wednesday, October 27, 2010

They're Watching! Today's Funny Story

The kids are giggling and playing by the toy box and searching for the perfect toy to play with. I'm wondering if Brody might need a change of diaper, so I lean down and give his bottom a sniff. A minute later Claire is down on the floor, leaning down to sniff as well. Oopsie, better watch myself, even though the story is funny, it isn't a habit I want to teach! *Note - Claire does like to smell everything. **Note 2 - he was not in need of a diaper!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Remembering Darren

16 years ago today little Darren died of SIDS. I was at the hospital when his mommy and daddy arrived and helped take care of Ashley and Joey, and then Carol let me hold little baby Darren, just 4 months old. We will never forget him. His family worked so hard to get through those years, and they are the strongest, most loving family I've ever met. God Bless You All!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Funny Friday Story

Took Brody and Claire to Target and the Library this morning. While strolling the aisles in Target, we passed the children's clothing section (shocker). No kidding at all, Claire spotted on the rack a pair of pants that matched the hoodie she was wearing. She pointed to it and said "more, please" enough times that I knew she wanted it! Guess that's my first experience of Grandma Shopping! So, we bought them. (Oh, they were on 50% off clearance rack - is that a sign of her shopping prowess?) When we were checking out, a gal and her two tweens got in line behind us. I kind of thought, oh no, pressure to get out fast; how am I going to accomplish that with two in the cart? The gal said, "we picked your aisle so we could watch the show"! They wanted to interact with the kids while I checked out! How awesome. They put on a little show for them, needless to say. They worked pretty hard to get a smile from Brody. After their naps this afternoon, Claire saw the new pants and her hoodie hanging on a chair in the dining room. She reached them and dragged them into the sunporch to me. She would not rest until I took off her outfit and put on the new pants with her hoodie. Attached is a photo. I'm sad to report that Brody went on this trip with Claire's pink and purple Robeez because his mama forgot his shoes today. She has a lot to remember every day! Diapers, socks, extra outfits, long sleeved, short sleeved, burpers, washies, meds, bibs, food, formula, bottle, paci - you get it! Anyway, that is my funny Friday story - I never said it would be short! (Oh, also included photos of Claire and Brody at my house at the new table and chairs, and one of them in their matching jammies (courtesy of Gina!). Please don't get frustrated with my sideways photos - I worked way too long trying to figure out how to turn it and I just couldn't make it happen.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Claire's new trick is dumping out her milk and playing in it. I've tried every sippy cup and she is able to get the milk out of all of them.


Claire and Brody chilling - Brody proudly standing alone (ok, propped up against the couch)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


This morning I thought I would be really smart. Claire and Brody had both finished their breakfast and were still in their jammies. I thought, why not leave them in their jammies while I have a cup of coffee in my favorite cup and read the lastest Mothering magazine. Two sips into this dream, Claire says poopoo. I'm thinking, no way, not this early, but, yes, it was indeed poopoo. So, up we go to change the diaper and, might as well get dressed now. Brody can't stay alone downstairs, so up he goes as well. The diaper seems quite toxic, so I decide to give her a sink bath. Grabbed a towel and both kids and head into the bathroom. Claire gets her sink bath and then towel her off and get her dressed. Decide to give Brody a sink bath as well. Wrestle with Brody to get his clothes off and realize he has poopoo too, without a wipe nearby. Carry him to the toilet paper roll and do my best and then plunk him into the soapy sink. Get dressed and head back downstairs to begin our day of play and learn. Why did I think I could carry this off?They always outsmart me! In the attached photos, I'm pretty sure they are plotting this scene!