Wednesday, October 13, 2010


This morning I thought I would be really smart. Claire and Brody had both finished their breakfast and were still in their jammies. I thought, why not leave them in their jammies while I have a cup of coffee in my favorite cup and read the lastest Mothering magazine. Two sips into this dream, Claire says poopoo. I'm thinking, no way, not this early, but, yes, it was indeed poopoo. So, up we go to change the diaper and, might as well get dressed now. Brody can't stay alone downstairs, so up he goes as well. The diaper seems quite toxic, so I decide to give her a sink bath. Grabbed a towel and both kids and head into the bathroom. Claire gets her sink bath and then towel her off and get her dressed. Decide to give Brody a sink bath as well. Wrestle with Brody to get his clothes off and realize he has poopoo too, without a wipe nearby. Carry him to the toilet paper roll and do my best and then plunk him into the soapy sink. Get dressed and head back downstairs to begin our day of play and learn. Why did I think I could carry this off?They always outsmart me! In the attached photos, I'm pretty sure they are plotting this scene!


Bethanie said...

Never a dull moment! This morning (with just Brody) I spent every 30 seconds rerouting him since he's decided that he loves to eat the bathroom mats and he'd really like to chew on the shiny toilet and preferably crawl behind the toilet whenever possible...gross! Yesterday he loved the bathroom trash and while you can hide and move the trash can, I have yet to find a way to move the toilet. He's also really fascinated with the CO detector and the night stands with all of the fabulous books, magazines, and an old stethoscope. Right, never a dull moment.

Anonymous said...
