Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The Loss

The mom of my nephews, Jeremiah Jon and Zachary Fredrick Mieska died today. Her name, Joann Loretta (Jody) Vogelsang Mieska. She was tiny and spunky and sassy and she loved to laugh and giggle. She taught me how to drive a stick shift in her VW Beetle when I was 16. She was living with us while my brother, Steve, was serving in Korea. We drove over all the dirt roads in the township. She never lost patience with me. She was barely out of her teens herself. She lived life fully. She smoked, a lot. Damn cigarettes!!  Damn cancer. She lost her mom, her dad, her sister & her sister's husband and her father-in-law to lung cancer. She leaves behind two sons, 4 grandsons, Luke, Owen, Jude and Finn; 2 granddaughters, Maddi and Lilli, one sister, Connie, and many friends. I pray they all remember her well, grandchildren are the greatest treasure. 

Monday, March 7, 2016


Papa and Uncle Sean/Daddy took Max and Mara to Tractor Days in Young America. 
They are pretty busy little farmers!

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Valentine Project

Making Gingerbread Valentine cookies...
with lots of decorations!
Auntie Heather had a day off and took the big kids shopping to Goodwill, Dollar Store and Walmart. Lots of fun books and projects were purchased. I always like when others paint with them!!

Zoo Day with Papa and Omi

Took the kids to the Zoo on a day off school with Papa.
Wesley liked being out of the stroller like a big kid. 
They love the scuba diver!
Omi and the gang!

Back in Daycare Routine

Minus our Park cousins, we are back to project days with Max and Mara (and keeping Wesley out of our way). Eating pink snowballs (like Omi and Aunt Sue did when they were little). 
A creation many days in the making (glue drying time).  A treasure for Mara's room at home. 
When Max is in preschool two days a week, Mara keeps busy with puzzles, coloring, and tv. 
A couple of good winter projects they are always up for working on - peg pictures and foam shape creations. Great hand-eye coordination work. 
Aunt Sue brought Valentine hearts and we made a big picture. Only a few were eaten along the way. (gluing hearts is hungry work)

Here's our 1 year old - Wesley 1/15/16

Birthday donut!
Celebration Day!

Savage Docken Daycare Days

Papa is taking good care of baby Jefferson.
Playing together, good buddies!
Matching outfits!
Bethanie was baking up something yummy!
Playing on the snow playground!
There was a lot...
of snow...
and sledding!

Skating on the Pond behind Our House

Our Own Family Christmas 2015

Zoo Day