Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Their 300

Papa has a 1956 Farmall 300 tractor.  Grandpa Don bought it the year Papa was born.
We bought a smaller version when we found out we were going to be grandparents.
The kids have been sitting on it in the house ever since, starting out with barely being able to sit on it, now finally reaching the pedals.  It weighs a ton, so they can't quite work the pedals enough yet to make it move.
Today was the day to photograph the older three on it outside in the front yard!
Here's Claire, the oldest (4)
Now Brody's turn, (3)

Then little Max, (2 1/2)         (I think he is barking out orders)                                                              

The Tambourine Story

Claire and Max have a tiny set of tambourines with their musical instrument set.  Mara and Maverick kinda fell in love with them.  Partly due to their size and shape, partly due to the noise they can make.  When Maverick clangs them, Mara flinches.
Maverick is mobile, and Mara is not yet, so he often steals both tambourines and goes off with them.  Not to be outdone, she bends over as far as she can to grab one back.
Couldn't we share?

Here, Mara, listen to the noise I can make!
She likes it!
Mara says 'bye now.  Maverick is off with the tambourines.                                

May pics

Maverick still wears a sleep sack for naps, keeps him warm and toasty.  He can't really get around with it on, but sometimes he tries!
Auntie Heather day - Claire working on her special sticker book with Auntie and Mara.
Claire really liked Mara's sweater (size 18 months) and declared she could and should wear it - and she did!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Mara and Maverick

Mara and Maverick are playing spoons.  They love our spoons.  Forget toys!
We have tiny ice cream cones that the older three get to enjoy once in awhile.  This day, we decided to give Mav and Mara a taste.  They kind of took over the cones!
Although in between each bite, Maverick scrunched up his face cuz it was so cold!
After Mara's first taste, try to get it away from her, forget about it!
Numnum!  (this is way better than a Mum Mum)
Claire made a bead ring and bracelet for Mara to wear.  She really just wanted to eat them, though!
Princess Mara.  Bow before me, please!

Brody and Claire at play (I mean work)

Brody was busy on Farm Day, driving around in his car with his shovel sticking out the back end, wearing Papa's hat (sunny day).  There is always so much to do, he doesn't always get it all done!
Claire got a huge bead set for her birthday and she and Auntie Heather spent quite awhile putting all the beads together in one string!  110 inches long!  She was very particular about how the beads were organized on the string.  When we suggested measuring it, she went right to daddy's tool drawer and pulled out the tape measure (after undoing the childproof lock, of course).play

The Doctor is IN

Brody gave Claire a Doctor doll with doctor kit for her birthday.  We had a little party for her on her birthday (her party was on the weekend), and Everleigh, Briggs, Aunt Bonnie and GG came over to play and have lunch.
Everyone got a turn at playing "Doctor", but these shots are of Dr. Everleigh checking out patients Max and Claire.  Everyone was healthy by the end of the day, thank goodness!  (those house calls are going to be expensive though!)

Max and Mara

I asked Max to get Mara some toys for her Bumbo tray the other day while I was busy with a project with the other kids.  This is what he did, and what I found when I looked in on them!  He was generous enough to share his prized possessions, his HEAVY red and green tractors, with her!!
It would have never dawned on me to give her HEAVY tractors to play with, but somehow she loved it!  Shiny, lots of parts to look at.  He was showing her how they work.
"Here you go, Mara", he is saying!
A little hug.
Mara says, "Thanks, Max.  You're great!"
They both seemed to think this was all perfectly normal!!