Monday, March 28, 2011

Well Fed

Everyone probably experiences fun food and extremely good food while on vacation (not to mention too much food).
Jeff and I have been that lucky!  
Saturday night was Great American Bar & Grill
Sunday morning was hotel breakfast, waffle, bacon,eggs, fried potatoes, toast and great coffee.
Mass at St. Benedict's fed us in a different and lasting way.  The homily was intense and enlightening, emotional and uplifting - the Samaritan woman at the well.  We learned so many things we had never heard before.  Even though the Mass was a little more old-fashioned than ours (a little Latin thrown in), the music and involvement fed us spiritually.
Lunch was leftovers from last night in our awesome hotel room kitchen.
After the North Shore Drive, and PIE at Betty's Pies, we ate dinner at Black Woods, oh my, well fed!
Monday breakfast at the hotel again.
We were fed again at Salvation Army.  A 35ish fellow stopped me and asked me to help him shop for clothes for interviews, dates with his new "lady friend" and a new life in general.  Oh my!  Jeff joined us later and gave his seal of approval and a suggestion to add a "newsboy" hat when wearing the suit for dates.  He was super clean-cut with a long braid, and so humble (very good looking as well).  I am crying just thinking of him.  He bought a pair of black dress pants, a very nice suedeish black sport coat, a pink dress shirt, maroonish wing tips and a clip tie with black, maroon, some pink and a little blue, (he didn't know how to tie a tie).  We picked it all out and he tried it on for us.  Sharp.  He bought a lot of other shirts and things and then paid with some vouchers (perhaps a "going back to work clothing" program?).  Jeff watched him walk far away, not to a car.  We wished we would have asked him to have coffee with us so we could find out more about him, but perhaps this was the way God had planned it.  We had a cool experience at Goodwill too, but I'll leave that story.  We felt so honored to be chosen, and well fed!
Back to the hotel for leftovers from last night.  Grizzly's is slated for tonight.
We are feeling very rested and relaxed, this was the perfect destination for an easy weekend!  We do miss the little ones like crazy though!
I'll add a pic of us at Gooseberry when I get connected to a regular computer.  

Friday, March 25, 2011

My Funny Morning

The events of this morning are too funny (to me) not to post! I have only Broden today, and am at his house. He went down for an early nap, so I took the opportunity to take a wake up shower in his mama's bathroom.
First of all, they have a safety duck on the water spicket that I couldn't figure out, so I had to crank it off to get the water to divert to the shower head. Ooh, doesn't that hot water feel good, relaxing and yet reviving? OK, gotta wash the hair, so grab what looks like it could be shampoo (no glasses on, and not my stuff in the shower) and lather up the hair. Going great. Now, something to wash my face with, this stuff looks right, smear some on and - oo, oo, oooooo, fire and ice are burning my skin and eyes! (post shower with glasses reveals some type of icy Biore scrub) Well, that was no fun, but onward. One of these (16) large bottles must have some body wash in it - go for it. Nuf said.
Anyway, shower over, time to fix hair, apply mousse, feels different, what type of mousse is this, oh, mousse sunscreen, that explains the way my hair feels.
Pour some cheerios in the bowl, go to add milk - seriously, 8 drops of milk left. Do I pour it on the cereal? Of course, too late to give up now, I've already poured the cereal in the bowl, right? Try my darnedest to eat it (I am a Mieska, right?), but I CAN'T DO IT. I know, I'm sorry Grandma Edna, I just CAN'T EAT THIS HALF DRY, HALF SOGGY CRAP. On to something else. (Daycare aside - in case you were wondering - Brody is taking a nap through all this!)
Coffee brewing - way time for a cup - things are looking up!
Spoke too soon, I was going to add a few recent pics to make this blog worth looking at, but my camera battery died while browsing. I'll charge it up tonight and add them to this post tonight! They're real cute, one of Papa holding Claire AND Brody on his lap while feeding them a box of animal crackers at the farm. One of Max in such a cute outfit (right before a noteworthy blowout).
Making lunch for myself after Brody goes down for his nap. Opened can of tuna and drain while searching for Miracle Whip. No way, no Miracle Whip? What is up with my kids (Josh and Bethanie) they don't eat Miracle Whip? Putting tuna into tupperware for them to eat at some later date, I can't eat tuna without it. OK, now what to have for lunch?
I'm going to do a self-pedicure after lunch, do you worry for me??

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Good Grief!

OK, in their defense, I knew they were up to something, but I was feeding Max, and Max does not like to be disturbed mid-bottle, so I didn't check up on them. Still, this is a whole lot of mess for two under two! The rolls of waxed paper and press-n-seal paper will never be the same!

On a less mischievous day, here they are enjoying camping life. Some days the tent is filled with stuffed animals, dollies and blankets and pillows. Some days it is completely empty. Some days it is filled with megablocks, other days cheerios. Always an adventure!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Daycare Kids

Brody has a new thing - hugging! Here he is hugging Max

and hugging Claire!

Claire is helping Omi out by holding Max's bottle for a minute.

Max looks good in everything!

Brody is chilling in a comfy chair!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Brody is sick

Brody has strep throat this week. What a bum deal. He had such a fever for so many days, it was sad and scary. I hope the medicine fixes him up quickly.