Monday, February 16, 2015

What's Your Word?

I enjoy magazines!  I read a lot of them, some of my own and some my mother-in-law shares with me (she loves them too).  They have so many great articles, stories, ideas and more.  The one that spoke to me today is challenging you to sum yourself up in a word.  Here are some of their suggestions:

New, fiery, measured, evolving, happy, sweet, catalyst, learning, dynamic, possible, optimistic, passion, mover, eccentric, gratitude, wry, gregarious, vibrant, passionate, progressive, inquisitive, enthused, genuine, insatiable, conscious, bright, curious, brave, grace, seeker, envision, intuitive, dedicated, blithe, harmony, sprightly, hopeful, mover, appreciative, chance, aware, steadfast, whimsical, strong, perceptive, dynamic, curious.

I asked Jeff to choose a word for me.  He chose solid.  I think I am very hurt.  I'm going to have to take some time to choose a word for myself.


Bonnie Liebelt said...

I think solid is a good word. It implies strength, dedication, faithfulness. After 30+ years it shows trust and that's no small thing. I might have chosen "strong" for you but he knows you best.

Bethanie said...

I agree with Bonnie, solid can be a great word. He could mean that you're strong, dependable. Like rock solid, air tight...all good things.