Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Goal - Plan

Read an article in a magazine last night about how many people fake their entries on Facebook.  Pretend and fabricate and enhance.  Then another article about gathering with friends who are so busy checking out their smartphones that they aren't really "in the moment" of the gathering.  So determined to get a good photo of the event to share on their social network that they weren't really at the event.  Anyway, I'm gonna keep it real.  (Even though I admit I do try to capture myself and the kids at our best.)  I am so lucky in the job I have, the home we've created,  a farm just shy of "showplace", my husband has two very successful careers going that make him happy, I have time to read and craft.  But I have a problem with my weight.  No excuses.  Time to get going, make some changes, own it.  Starting today.  Working my way to feeling better about myself physically - and having more energy.  Maybe even enough energy to do my job.  Spring is here and I'm ready.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wishing you strength for the "journey!"