Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Where Do I Begin?

Bonnie posted this picture from 1969, the first year she was
away from home on Christmas.

I had to repost the pic because there is just too much going
on in it not to address it!

My outfit - That matching skirt and vest had red piping - hot!
I can still feel the fabric of that dotted scarf (loved polka dots
even back then) - silky and THAT FRINGE. Seriously though,
my hair was awesome that year! (before I grew out my bangs)

Sue - who found that jumper and forced her to wear it? It was
cute, but skirts were not her fav - at least she got to wear her
knee highs (she had quite a collection)! (good hair too, it looked
so light brown here)

Steve - a sport coat? Really? Must have had to wear it to Christmas Eve service at church. (at least he's smiling)

Mom - that skirt was made from someone's cast off quilted bedspread that Phyllis had (note how the flared hem has a ribbon matching the ribbon around her neckline!)

Dad is looking pretty normal and studly here (only 41 years old - Mom is 39 here).

How about that artwork in the background? I think it came with our trailer house. And was
that tree already dead? Mom had a fondness for the long-needled variety. You can't see it in this shot, but there is a horrible hanging lamp behind us, and putrid gold carpeting beneath our feet!


SM said...

Everyone should burn this photo. OMG.

SM said...

I still wear knee highs. Where were my shoes. What a great smile I have. Dad has his hand on my shoulder!

Anonymous said...

Ben actually asked me if grandma's skirt was someone's old drapes! Too funny!! - Jesse