Monday, February 20, 2012


Once a month we spend the morning at
the Park's house. Our project for the
day was putting window decals on
their windows. Colors and sports balls.
Everyone had a fun time choosing
their color and ball to apply.

We had a pot project that lasted a couple
of weeks. First we had to paint terra cotta
onto plastic pots. It really worked - they
looked like real terra cotta!

The next step was decorating the
terra cotta pots. They both chose
to paint the entire pot. One dark pink,
one white and one bright green.

They wear smocks for these messy
projects. They are old pillowcases
with head and arm holes cut out.
They get pretty excited when they
know it is smock time - that means
they get to make a mess! After many
days of painting, Claire was quite
adept with the brush - it was pretty
fun to see that progress. Brody really
was only interested in painting for a
minute or two at a time. 9 months
difference in age is sometimes quite
a lot.

Neither one of them felt the greatest
on this day (note the hand holding the
cheek), and were actually ready
for a little morning nap (which is quite
unusual). Their project was the
matching game. They are awesome at it.

1 comment:

Bethanie said...

I LOVE the bottom picture (even though they don't feel good), it's so cute that they both have their hand on their cheek in the same way.