Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I finally got my video camera back into action today. The kids were working on an art project. Claire likes to call them "projects" and wants to do them all day long. They painted a paper plate orange (fall color) and then let it dry. Part 2 of the project was to spread glue stick on the plate and then sprinkle scent (cinnamon) on it. It's their own little air freshener for fall. (Claire loves to smell everything - and Brody got cinnamon all over his nose when he smelled his!) (I made a paint smock for Claire a long time ago, time to make one for Brody and Max as well - out of a pillowcase)


Bethanie said...

Oh, so cute! You're such a good Omi!!
Claire was smelling her plate when Josh got home and had cinnamon on her nose and lips too. It was pretty cute!

Annie Docken said...

Yea, she told me this morning that she licked her plate! Oh well, cinnamon IS a pretty fabulous scent and smell!