Monday, January 19, 2015

M & Ms

Max & Mara (M & Ms) are quite the duo.  They are together now every day while Claire is in
full-time Kindergarten.  We were baking cookies on this day.
They were quite good and careful with the decorations, but some pans were more colorful than others!
They both adore watching movies!  Here they are both wearing Christmas clothes!
Rock on, Mara AnnMarie!
They enjoy shoveling our deck.  This day the snow was sticky and Mara couldn't get it off her shovel, but it didn't stop her from trying.
She has the rosy cheeks to prove how hard she was working.  It was a COLD day.
Making Santa Claus with popcorn. 
Mara is outgrowing her fascination with stickers, but this day was convinced her colorful snowflake was so beautiful, so she kept working.
Papa is helping with the glue on ornament making day.  It took a lot of glue, and it had to stay sticky long enough to attach the tissue paper without the tissue paper sticking to little hands.
Claire got in on a baking project before she had to leave for school one day.  She gets on the bus at 8:50 a.m. and gets home at 4:00 p.m.  They are unwrapping caramels for Almond Caramel Delight.
Claire is very patient with Mara and they are playing Connect 4 the wrong way, but Mara's way!

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