Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Fab Five

They are all there if you look closely - hanging out at the playground.
At the Zoo together with Papa.  What else?  Snack time.  The Zoo is all about snack time for us!
Playhouse in the backyard.  Yep, they all fit inside!  Kinda look like a gang, don't they?
Ham it up, why don't ya!
Oh my!  Dress up time!  Are we gorgeous or what?  They really are the Fab Five to us!
Reading time!  Sometimes they need a quiet moment to regroup.  I mean, sometimes I need a quiet moment to regroup.  They each have their favorite books that they often grab.  I love:  Mara's ham-it-up look - Max laying his head on Brody's shoulder - Brody's foot and favorite cap and his "teacher" mode - Claire is so interested in what everyone else is doing/learning (her favorite book in her lap is The Little Mermaid - a very complicated version of the book) - Maverick (post-nap hairdo) and his cute feet and shoes, he loves this little book of prayers.

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