Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Birthday Girl

Claire turned 5!  Wowee!  Our first grandchild, how did the time slip by so quickly?  She is sunshine in our lives.  I made her a  Barbie cake for our daycare birthday party day.  Claire loves sweets, loves to look good, picks her own outfits, decides on her own hairstyle, wears makeup and nail polish to add a dash of special some days, sings and dances all the time, has memorized many many kid Christian songs, has a heart for Jesus, sees the best in others, tries to keep the peace, is a wonderful nurse with an ice pack always on hand for boo boos, still likes a little nap, loves to eat, loves to cuddle with her brother and the babies Mav and Mara.  She has such a wonderful future ahead, can't wait to watch!  LOVE her!

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