Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Bible Camp 2013

Brody, Claire and Max are heading in to Hosanna for Bible Camp!                    
This year, Claire and Brody are "big kids" and go to the big kid class (together).  Omi has to leave them at the door with their teacher (Miss Lisa).  However, I did get a peek at them during our Celebration time at the beginning of each day.  They were holding hands and doing all the singing and dancing and following the directions of the leaders, so cute.  Claire was showing Brody the moves!

So - it's Max and me this week - and lots of pictures of him!
He spent the first morning exploring each play station.
The kitchen had lots of things our kitchens don't have!
He really enjoyed this little rider, it moves like an inchworm.
The water table...
Playdoh - we spent a LOT of time at this table.
This was a Swiss Army Knife tool and he really liked it.  Note the tongue!
Rice table, note the stance!
Once he got the hang of these tubes, he did it over and over and over and...
Selfie with Max during Celebration time, he was a little scared of the dark.
Max especially liked snack time!  Yum yum!
When I picked up Claire and Brody, their teacher raved at how sweet they are, and how much she enjoys them.  She said Brody really was a caretaker of Claire and made sure she was comfortable.  He helped her with her hair clip, which seemed to be giving her problems!  Miss Lisa thought he was very mature for his age and had a great vocabulary (sounded like he did a lot of talking)!

Some of the moms have been chatting with us as Max and I play together.  They comment on his great vocabulary as well!  Huh - guess these kids are geniuses!!

1 comment:

Bethanie said...

I am soooo glad it went so well for Brody, what a relief!