Friday, September 28, 2012

The kids

No pics today, but just a couple of quick thoughts.

Brody has decided that my name is just too long to say all the time (Omi), so he has shortened it to Om, and of course, Claire has adopted this as well.  (she also calls Brody just Brod some of the time)  On the same name topic - since the cousins are together each day, their parents' names and titles get mixed up.  Sometimes Barry is Uncle Barry, and sometimes Daddy.  Sometimes (often), Josh is Uncle Josh instead of Daddy.

Claire gave me a bookmark one day as one of her projects (Nana, Grandpa Leroy and Mommy, Daddy and Auntie Heather also received one).  Today at the farm, she saw my bookmark laying on the table unused.  She asked so sweetly if I didn't want to use it anymore!  (tears)  I said of course I was using it, and that the book was laying on the couch open to the page I was on.  I asked her to put it into the book for me.  This evening I see that she did just that!  These little things are so important to them!

Max LOVES to sleep!!  He loves his bed (or his bed at the farm), he loves his blanket and his paci.  He loves to go to bed.  Our routine is to say "snug as a bug in a rug" as he goes off to bed.  He waves to everybody and heads off to his sleep.  He also copies everything you say and kinda tries it out on his tongue to see how it comes out!  It took me awhile to realize that "mini steet" meant that he wanted to watch "Sesame Street".  (Claire and Brody call it "Sesamini Street".)  (Elmo is the big favorite!)

Mav is a fav at daycare!  Everyone wants to hug and kiss him all day and sing to him and talk to him.  He smiles all the time and gives us all such joy!  Each new thing he learns how to do is so exciting.  (It is Max's job to take Mav's bottle from me when he is finished with it and take it to the kitchen - he takes this very seriously, and nobody else can do it!)

Mara joined us today at daycare.  It was a pretty wild day.  Good thing that her mama was here to feed her every 20 minutes, but I think the kids are just gonna go crazy for her.  Kissin' all day long!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fun stories!!
