Monday, February 14, 2011

Justice - is that the right word?

Happy Valentine's Day
from the Grandkids, and Omi and Papa!

Aren't they looking cute and snuggly?

OK, so about justice. Here's my story and you can chime in if you think justice is the right word.

Obviously, at age 21 months, Claire is too young to have "learned" about justice. Yet it is already part of who she is. I find the whole inherent or inherited or learned/taught behavior fascinating, things I didn't have time to think about when my own kids were little.

Claire makes sure at every moment of the day that I treat Brody exactly the same as I treat her, and that he gets exactly what she gets, eats exactly what she eats, gets in on the photo or video if I'm shooting, gets to listen to me read a book if she does, has his shoes on, doesn't cry in his playpen and so on throughout the day.

I know I'm just a proud and bragging grandma (hey, this is my blog, it is called Omi Annie, it is about my grandchildren, so deal with it!), but this is pretty special behavior, if you ask me! And the knowledge that this is who Claire is for the rest of her life is amazing. Guess some of you will know who else in our family has this trait. And guess her siblings and cousins will benefit for the rest of their lives. Thanks for caring, Claire!


Bethanie said...

They are all stinkin cute with their personalities already!

Anonymous said...

I know one of my own special cousins has that same trait and God was good to pass it down to Claire! - Jesse

Annie Docken said...

Good job "guessing" Jesse!