Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Daycare Addition, School Days, Farm Days, Birthday Girl

 Wesley joins Omi Daycare at 4 months.  He's a challenge, but sleeping peacefully here!
 Claire is helping Max pose for his last day of Pre-School picture.  So grown up, both of them!
 Mara is happy to have Max (and Wesley) in daycare.  We keep pretty busy!
 On a Farm Day, Max is feeding dandelions to the new baby goats, Olaf and Kristoff.
 Papa bought Lincoln Logs for the kids to learn about.  They caught on quickly!
 Mara is right in there with them!  They are very gentle and fun.  They cry when we leave them.
 Mara was determined to help me rake the lawn.
 She has been learning how to paint.  She likes to make "dots", "paintbrushes", "snakes" and circles.
 Fun photo of our kids' family photos.  2015
 Max never gets tired of loving on Wesley.
 Claire and Papa are playing a game while Omi tries to talk Wesley into a bottle!  (she won)
 Here's our birthday girl, Claire Elizabeth, age 6 on April 25, 2015.  Such a beauty!
 Claire with her proud grandmas - Nana and Omi.
 Wesley likes to be snug as a bug and warm and cozy.  Well, don't we all?
 Mara and Max enjoy a snack outside - a little chilly still.
Max is showing Uncle Sean how to drive a 4 wheeler.  Critical for a farmer!

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