Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Fall Fun

Nothing like a bowl of red apples in the fall.  Cute little card from the Park boys.
Claire & Max were busy helping me harvest the seed pods from my hyacinth plants.  We also made  crowns that day! 
We went to the orchard on a beautiful day in October (66 degrees).  Donuts, caramel apple...
...apples and pumpkins!  Claire, Mara and Max were glamming it up!
Dug out Heather & Bethanie's old dollhouse.  Papa built it in the 80's and I wallpapered, carpeted and decorated it.  Furnishings were a mix of purchased items and homemade items.  It is in need of a makeover, so Claire and I are going to get to work on that!  They were loving it!
Mara & Max went with Papa & Omi to buy pumpkins & gourds for decorating church for fall harvest season.  The day was nippy but they enjoyed looking around and making the choices.
Here's our trunk-full. 
They had a lot of choices, but they were sure of their final picks.
Max and I went for lunch and a donut at a bakery close to his school one fall day.  The purple flowers were still so gorgeous!

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