Monday, October 14, 2013

Fall Days

Kaija is doing playdoh with the kids outside on a beautiful fall day.
The three Ms - Maverick, Max and Mara - hamming it up - they love that chair.
More ham...
What do you think?
Mara is learning to walk - loves shopping too!
Another day with GG teaching kitchen skills.  Today they are cutting up pears for
pear crisp.  GG peeled them, and Max and Claire cut them up.  Claire stuck with it
for an hour, until they were all cut!  Max was OBSESSED with the crisp until it was gone!
Time for harvest - the kids just love this time of year.  Here we are peeling baby
Indian corn.  They are so excited to open each ear and see what is inside.  I have to 
help Max take off the silk (and he wants to tear off the husks - I like to leave them on
for the "look"), Claire only loves the ones with pink kernels, Brody likes the dark colors,
Mara likes to make a mess out of the - well, everything, Maverick just enjoys climbing.
Brody is showing off his last ear.  Mara is trying to tell Claire what to do, OR, is Claire
trying to tell Mara what to do??  Max DOES NOT like the silk.  Mav is roaming the 

Mara AnnMarie is NOT a snuggler!  She has had some health issues lately (teething,
cold, runny nose, fever, regular milk), so I find her snuggling often.  I take advantage
of each opportunity, believe me!!

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