Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Summer Wanes...

 We see little Mara growing up so quickly each day.  Here she is, caught climbing on the table
 Oh yea, baby, we caught you!  Check out the ruffled skirt!
Brody loves every opportunity to help Uncle Sean and Papa "farm".  Getting dirty is just a bonus!
 Brody has perfected the bead stringing...
Mara loves to take apart the dollhouse.  Can't wait to watch her put it together and organize it.
Mara and Maverick are busy with the workbench at the Park basement, even though the repetitive noise gives Omi a headache.
Brody and Claire love any chance to drive around the farm on their gator!

Claire and Maverick share a quiet moment.  Both are cuddlers!!

1 comment:

Bethanie said...

The one of Brody by the tractor...that's one for the high school graduation party!