Saturday, April 20, 2013

Cute sayings

I wanted to dash down a few things before I forget about them.

Claire sleeps in our bed for her naps when we are at the farm (Farm Day).  She has a special heart blanket that I lay on top of the bed that she lays on.  (This blanket was made by GG years ago for Bethanie, called a quillow - a quilt that folds up into a pillow.)  Then she has a little pillow, and a small colorful fleece blanket that lays on top of her.  She also sleeps with two of Omi's Cabbage Patch doll preemies, dressed up in real baby preemie-size sleep sacks.  We get it all set up for her each time she naps.  She comes down from her nap on her own, so I don't put it all away.  When Papa and I go to bed at night, he takes it all off (it's on his side).  He used to just put it back in the basket I have by the bed.  This time, however he set it all up on the bench to look like the dollies are sleeping wrapped up in the blankets with the pillow.  Yesterday Claire came into the room and said, "Omi, did you see what Papa did with the blankets and the babies?  Isn't he funny?"

We bought the kids all warm used hooded sweatshirts to leave on their hooks in the porch at the farm so that when they are at Farm Day, they can put on the old sweatshirt and go outside to play (and work) without getting their good coats dirty.  They are pretty excited about them.  Yesterday when it was time to leave, Max threw a fit that nobody understood.  He finally said to me, clear as a bell (he's 2 1/2), "I feel so bad that I can't wear my farm jacket home."  Of course, he wore his farm jacket home!!

Yesterday Claire had an issue and wanted to take a bath in my bathtub.  The other four kids were all downstairs (with GG, and Jeff and Sean had come in for a late coffee break), so I was trying to rush the process along.  Brody came toddling in to the bathroom (I try to keep some things private, but they don't have those issues yet.) and starts chatting with her.  He was telling her that it was all going to be ok, that the bath was going to make her feel better right away, then reminiscing about the time he got to take a bath in my tub.  He can be such a caregiver and is such a softie.

Maverick has a hilarious gut laugh right now, gotta try to capture it.  He also eats every crumb he can find on the floor (food item or not) (and I vacuumed at least 4 times yesterday).  His long arms and fingers can reach up and grab anything from table tops and gets into trouble with the older kids all the time.

Mara shakes her head no on demand, and also fake coughs to get attention and to keep up with the other kids' antics.  When they are playing with her, they can get her laughing (especially Claire), and the louder they get, the louder she gets - to keep up with them. 

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