Thursday, July 26, 2012

Hoot Hoot

The kids are a hoot every day.  Here's a sample:

Claire calling GG as soon as we get to the farm for our weekly farm day ~
Claire:  GG, can you come and play?
GG:  Who is this?
Claire:  It's me!
GG:  Where are you?
Claire:  I'm right here!

Brody was driving his motorcycle around the farm.  Somehow it got into reverse and he didn't know how to get it into drive.  He continued to back up and ran into the Barbie car.  He got off the motorcycle and moved the Barbie car so he could keep going backwards.  Then he got off the motorcycle again and was pushing it up the driveway.  I asked him what he was doing.  He replied, "I'm pushing my motorcycle!"  (It is electric and runs on a battery.  It is VERY heavy when it isn't running.)  (Daddy later gave him lessons on how to change from reverse to drive.)

On the way home from the farm in the car today, I asked Max if he wanted to shut his eyes and go to sleep.  He gave me one of his new "looks" (confused and puzzled), then turned to Claire and gave her the look too, as if to say, "Is she nuts?  I'm not going to go to sleep in the car!"  All I could see as he looked at Claire was the whites of his big eyes.  I started to laugh out loud (OK, very loud), and that got Claire started laughing loud and hard.  Max thought this was great, and wanted to keep playing the game.  I asked him again about shutting his eyes and going to sleep and he kept giving us the look, and we obliged by laughing out loud.  VERY funny trip home!

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