Friday, September 10, 2010

TGIF isn't just for the White and Blue Collars

Grandma Annie's Friday Morning (note that it is now 8:35 a.m.)

6:05 a.m. alarm goes off - wake with a headache
Papa Jeff says he's going to stay in bed longer (headache as well)
Arrive at Daycare Site and greet baby and mama and puppy (breakfast is already over for Baby 1, woke up at 5ish)
Change Baby 1's diaper and dress her
Baby 2 and mama arrive
Bye bye to Mama 1 and 2
Make bottle for Baby 2, Baby 1 decides to steal it from him a couple of times
Baby 1's pants are too loose so put a couple of stitches in them to hold up
Make a pot of coffee to help headache
Baby 1 and 2 are whining so decide to be smart and put down for naps
Realize coffee is running onto floor - wipe it up quick, take 2 sips
Baby 1 goes down like a dream with her babies and blankets
Baby 2 cries because he is alone
Rock Baby 2 to sleep and lay him down
Grandma goes to lie down for a quick nap and hears Baby 1 in crib (didn't go to sleep after all)
Gets Baby 1 up again and figure, oh well, we'll chill together
Oops, hears Baby 2 bawling his head off
Get Baby 2 up again and figure, oh well (dirty diaper is the culprit)
Play with babies
Baby 2 spits up (fancy way to say puke) all over bib and Grandma's 1st shirt of the day
Baby 1 wants Baby 2's pacifier (used as way to keep spit up in)
Baby 1 takes my finger and pulls me to kitchen for snack - yogurt is agreed upon
Baby 1 isn't crazy about this decision and knocks spoon out of Grandma's hand and sprays yogurt on Grandma's pants, shirt and Baby 1's shirt - Baby 1 thinks this is SUPER funny
Diaper change for Baby 1 - oops, false alarm
Baby 2 rubs eyes - time for another try at a nap
Rock Baby 2 to sleep, Baby 1 wants in on this action so I put pillow and blanket and babies on couch with us - Baby 1 and Baby 2 kick each other's feet and think it's funny
Baby 2 finally gives up and goes to sleep, lay him down
Baby 1 dances to the Ellen opening dance and then decides it's her naptime as well
9:18 a.m., both sleeping, finish a cup of coffee
Is it really worth trying for that nap??


SM said...

Sure go for the nap...

Bethanie said...

"Baby 2 cries cause he's alone." Poor kid needs to figure out he's cool enough to chill alone!
I'm exhausted for you! I hope your headache went away. Why is it that they sleep like a dream forever when you don't need a nap, but then you try to sneak one in and they get up after 15 minutes?!

rootbeerlady said...

I'm impressed that you remembered all this, especially if you still had a headache when you wrote it. Whew.

Anonymous said...

uffda! GAB