Tuesday, May 4, 2010

More Pics and Info to come

I know it's time to share more pics and info of our growing daycare - maybe tomorrow! However, here's an update since our first day! Claire and Brody have been sooo good! Claire has been suffering with teething and runny nose and fever, but she is a real trooper most of the time, she is very good to Brody, which sometimes means sharing her love for him by crawling on top of him! Luckily, he is tough and can take it! Brody has been adjusting very well to not having his mommy around fulltime - he is great at the bottle, and is getting better at naps in the pack and play instead of my arms! They are both so doggone cute, it's ridiculous. It takes very little to get them both smiling. Claire loves the "pants on the ground" song, and today found her pupik, which is Czech for belly button. Brody will smile and laugh if you make eye contact with him. He has quite a few things to say to you if you have the patience to listen to him. I could go on and on and on about every minute of my day with them both.

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