Thursday, November 28, 2013

Love and Projects in November

Maverick adores his cousins and his cousins adore him.  Above he is adoring Max.
Here he is adoring Claire.  They do take pretty good care of him and love to kiss & hug him!
Our project for the day, decorate penguins.  We all have such a different technique with our art!  Max didn't think there was any way to have TOO many stickers on his penguin (yes, there is a penguin in there somewhere).  Claire loved Brody's penguin so much she wanted to take it home herself.  Claire had time to do 2 penguins - each with a different theme.  Mav just admires their work.

GG comes to play in the afternoon when we are at the Park's house.  This day she brought tiny cakes and tiny plates for a tea party.  A good time was had by all.  (I remember that saying from the newspaper when I was young.  When details of an event were published, the last sentence always seemed to be, "a good time was had by all".)

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Old Hotties (would that be considered an oxymoron?)

We had our likenesses captured for our church directory.  Since it didn't really seem like it was that long ago that we had it done, we decided to shake it up a little bit and do a fun pose.  Here we are!  (this is not the shot that will make it into the directory - sad but true)(the photographer asked if he could use this shot in a photo competition, so we will likely be famous any day now)

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

We're Keepin' Busy

Mara and Maverick fit together in the car - sort of...
Mara fits into the tiny chair - and loves it...
While Claire & Brody were working on puzzles, the three youngest played with all the cups.  It made a huge mess all over the floor - quietest 45 minutes of the day!  So worth the cleanup!
Maverick loves Max's new chair.  He found the little blanket on his own and covered himself up!
Brody & Max made use of the kid shovels and cleaned off our deck for us!  So thoughtful.  Hope we can count on them for this job when Papa and Omi are 86 instead of 56!
Mara found the container of suckers for the customers and was pretty sure she should have one.
They are really into the fall projects.  Today was decorating penguins.  They got very creative.  In case you can't tell, Max's penguin is covered with 150 holiday stickers!  He didn't think it was over-the-top AT ALL!

Max and Maverick have matching Popcorn shirts.  The popcorn brand is "Little Brothers", hee!

Thursday, November 7, 2013


The kids and I have barn boots that we keep at the farm all spring, summer and fall.  We wear them whenever we make a trip to the garden to pick fresh veggies or harvest our pumpkins, gourds, baby Indian corn and broom corn.  They are always lined up on the rug behind the front door.  (guess I should take a photo of that as well!)  I've been wanting to take a photo of all of us with our boots on, SO, finally took a deep breath and enlisted GG's help in taking the photo on my phone.  The results are typical of what happens when you try to herd cats, but still fun, and in my opinion, epic.

Christmas Shopping?

I am feeling so much pressure about shopping for Christmas gifts!  Why?  What is up with that? Finally figured it out last night!  We are singing in the church choir and have started Advent and Christmas music rehearsals!  Every night after rehearsal I feel such a heavy pressure and realize it has tricked my mind into thinking it is closer than it really is!  Phew!  (On a more positive note, I did quite a bit of shopping tonight, so that feels good!)