Thursday, January 31, 2013

What we do each day...

Claire loves to feed Maverick his bottle.  She has become so good at it that she can also now multi-task and feed her own baby at the same time.
Play doh is a favorite project, but a little messy.  On Thursdays, Auntie Heather helps me, so we can take on a messy project.  They spent a long time creating treasures.  Max's attention span has really grown as well!  What he really wanted to be doing all day this day was sing and dance to "The Hokey Pokey".
Claire spent a lot of time with the kid scissors, learning how to hold it and cut with it successfully.  She cut up A LOT of little play doh!  Brody was working on rolling, stuffing and experimenting with every play doh tool.  The cutest part was that it took many shots to get this one, because he typically closes his eyes right when I snap the photo.  He asked after this shot, "did I keep my eyes open for this one"?  His expression is just one of those things in life that make me cry, but I'll save those for another post!

M & M & M

Started off being photos of two babies named Maverick and Mara,
but Max wanted to be a part of it (must be an "M" thing) - he even smiled!
Our three youngest grandchildren, Max & Maverick & Mara!
They're something, right?
Max was hamming it up here.
Hello everyone, from Maverick and Mara!

Mind Games

Thought of a new project, which is really a mind game for the kids.  Brody did an amazing job of remembering where the hidden item was located after Papa mixed them all up.  He could follow at least 3 -4 moves.  The tongue movements seem to help.  Papa was amazed!

Weekend at the Farm

Claire and Max spent the weekend with us.  We had a Tea Party,
Max enjoyed his tea a lot,
then we made bird feeders,
application precision is important,
Uncle Sean and Max braved the cold to hang them in the tree,
you have to hang them in just the right spot,
here we go, last one - the birds are gonna love them!

Over the weekend we also went out for dinner.  The kids finished their dinner and the owner gave them full-sized candy.  M&Ms for Max and a Snickers bar for Claire and Brody.  Can't even begin to tell you how excited they were about those big bars!  They made them last all weekend!  They did a pretty good job sleeping through the night.  5 a.m. came early, but we talked them into snuggling in bed with us for a couple more hours.  (Omi and Papa really need their sleep these days!)  We also started work on an A-Z picture book, choosing pictures from magazines to match each letter.  This project will take us awhile.  After naps, Nana and Grandpa Brad came for a visit and coffee break, then Claire and Max went home with them for another adventure!  Lucky kiddos!

Mara and Crazy Papa

I'm sure Mara is thinking to herself, "this guy is nuts, but ya gotta love him."

Sunday, January 20, 2013

My Matching Babies

The kids have been sick on and off since Christmas.
Runny & sore noses, coughs, croup, sore throats,
fevers, trouble eating and sleeping.
We tried a photo shoot anyway in their
matching Christmas jammies.
I feel like the results are always remarkable,
even if they don't turn out as we had planned.
Now we will treasure and remember these days
when everyone was feeling bad.
Messy hair was the way it was those days.
Chapped lips, too.  And poor little
Maverick cried in every shot.  He was
the first to get sick, and, the first to get healthy, too!
Gotta love it - gotta love them - I know I sure do!

The "Big" Kids at Daycare

Claire and Max dressed like Brody one day to show their solidarity of plaid shirts!  Amazing!
                                                              Reading a book together.
                                Just the big boys!  The construction book was right up their alley!

The Girls

Heather had a makeover at our local hair salon. 
When she came to pick up Mara, I took advantage of the opportunity for a mother/daughter photo shoot - ain't they purty, ain't they sweet!
Claire showing Mara some love - she might have been a little too into her personal space bubble!      
There, that's better - loving each other with a little space in between!
Two girls mugging for the jammie photo shoot.  (they are the best gift ever!)
I talked Claire into wearing a jumper and posing - she is more a dress and skirt girl most days.

Max with his Buzz and Woody lights

Makin' snowmen - indoors!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Christmas 2012

                                 Our Family - Christmas 2012
                                    Claire Elizabeth - 3 3/4 yrs
                                 Broden Riley Park - almost 3
                                     Maxwell Christopher - 2
                                  Maverick Barrett Park - 7 mo
                                Mara AnnMarie Hebel - 3.5 mo
                                Maverick telling Mara a story...
                                    Omi, Mara & Papa on her
                                  Baptism Day - December 25