Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Little Girl - Music to a Grandma's Heart

Claire got up from her morning nap (1 1/2 hours- which is awesome for her) and asked me to bring along her blankets and babies from her crib (no, she didn't "say" it, she has her ways of communicating what she wants/needs). She has been dragging them around with her since then, wrapping up the babies, wrapping herself up in them, making little beds for them in every room - it is too cute, and such a little girl thing.

Monday, August 23, 2010

A couple of Claire's favorite spots

Claire likes to stand on her chair and look out the window at the world.
She also likes to sit in the corner next to the couch in the sunporch - her private spot!

They're growing up...

First day back with both kids after vacations.
Brody is sitting up now, and Claire is getting
such a kick out of it. She was sharing lots of
love and hugs and kisses with him. She
brought him toys and his bib and wanted to
share her snacks with him too. How quickly
they grow up!!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Farmer Papa Jeff

Feeling nostalgic this morning - don't think anyone but me reads my blog anyway - so here goes.

Give fools their gold, and knaves their power; let fortune's bubbles rise and fall; who sows a field, or trains a flower, or plants a tree, is more than all. John Greenleaf Whittier

Here's another quote that reminds me of Jeff.
I think maybe the rural influence in my life helped me in a sense, of knowing how to get close to people and talk to them and get my work done. Gordon Parks

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Brody blows bubbles!

Claire tells us sh-h-h-h, Brody's sleeping!

Summer 2010

Claire digs getting back to her youth and hanging out in the bouncy chair.
This is how I travel with my apple snack!
Reading a story to her baby on the blanket.
Brody is making friends with this airplane pilot!

Claire at VBS 2010

Claire on the slide at the playground during outdoor play.
Claire's little friend, Piper - she took Claire under her wing - what a sweetie!
Having outdoor snacktime! (did I mention they put mini marshmallows in there?)
Learning how to play the parachute game.
I'm outta here, people!

Summer Brody 2010

Brody is getting bounced!
Brody likes this new position on Uncle Josh & Auntie Whitney's couch in the sunporch. He can see everything from here!
Clear view of Brody amid ALL the toys!

This is how we roll, man!

Summer Claire 2010

Claire playing at the water table at Gma's house on the deck.
Claire reading a book in her reading chair at Gma's house. (in her Twins shirt)

Claire borrowing Brody's Crocs and cleaning out his diaper bag.

Brody's Crocs totally match my outfit! What?

Swimming on our patio in my awesome pool!